
Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan

Instagram (finally)!

I’ve spent the summer querying Thistle & Down to prospective agents and it’s going well! But it occured to me that I should do what most people did in the 2010s and start an Instagram account. It’s weird leaving my rock of seclusion for the scorching heat of social media, so please be kind (and patient) as I figure out what all the buttons do. You can find me at jtmorganwrites. I look forward to connecting with old buddies and making new friends!

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Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan


What an incredible weekend. Got to meet so many writers, many of whom were incredibly business-savvy (note: bring branded swag next time). I attended excellent classes on social media, querying, good beginnings, and time management. And I landed First Place for my genre in the First Chapter Contest and have good places to start querying. Thank you, Storymakers, for teaching me to be brave and reassuring me that my stories are worth telling. Looking forward to Storymakers 2025!

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Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan

It’s time!

The Storymakers 2024 Conference has officially started! I’ll be attending Friday-Saturday, come say hi if you see me! I can’t wait to meet fellow writers and learn from the best in the business!

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Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan

Five Days!

Storymakers 2024 is five days away! Here are my goals for the conference: 1. Meet fellow writers in my genre, 2. Have a productive meeting with an agent, 3. Learn good things about POV and how to social media, and 4. Have fun!

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Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan


Thistle & Down has been given to beta readers! It’s a nerve-wracking process, but I’m hoping the feedback will help make the book all the more ready to shop around. Writing this book has been an amazing experience and I hope it will help current and expectant mothers, as much as it helped me.

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Jessica T Morgan Jessica T Morgan

Let’s go!

Getting psyched for Storymakers 2024! When you spend most of your everyday conversation congratulating your three-year-old son for eating his sandwich, it can be hard to switch gears and talk to adults. But I hope to meet fellow writers in my genre and have an amazing weekend (special thanks to my husband for taking over on the “big-boy” and sandwich department for me).

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